I rarely write about music, but there are the exceptions and as of this post, Lxnnnie is one of those exceptions. This is the kind of artist who takes music as a thing and says “How can I make this art in my own way?” instead of just making music that’s generalized into a genre we all know with the same 3 chords and same boring cliche lyrics. The first thing that’s worth noting is that Lxnnnie is actually a certified schizophrenic, and this album is his 12 year opus of what it’s like to be inside his head. Musically, it’s what you’d get if you took Stereopathic Soul Manure era Beck and mixed it with Napoleon XIV, then added a pinch of Brad Sucks. Lxnnnie is the result, and….shit is it just wonderful.

It’s all over the place, it’s varied, it’s often times hard to comprehend what you’re listening to, but that’s probably what schizophrenia is like, so he probably succeeded in his attempt at what he was trying to accomplish musically. A large part of Lxnnnie I really love is his mysterious air. I can’t find his real name anywhere, nor a very good actual photo of him, nor any info about the guy outside of his music and you know what…I prefer that in cases like this. Like how he exists solely to create music, and that’s it. He keeps his life private and for all I know, he only exists as Lxnnnie, and he probably prefers it that way. Mystery makes someone much more intriguing (kind of a redundant statement but fuck it). At times, the album is acoustic and folky then switches to techno beats then goes to a little more low fi rock. It’s definitely unlike anything you’ve heard before.

This release is the psychological version of Girl Talks “All Day” in that you HAVE to listen to it from start to finish and not skip around.

Stand out tracks include:

  • They Said It Would Be Fun
  • Kill & Kill Again
  • Wondering & Wondering
  • Side Effects
  • Paisley Rain
  • Always Is All Ways

Is Lxnnnie mainstream, or even semi mainstream? Not one bit. I wouldn’t recommend Lxnnnie to anyone in high school, and probably not even anyone in college. Lxnnnie is for a specific niche of people. People who respect music as an art form, and people who enjoy watching someone hone their craft to the point where it’s actually audibly gorgeous and yet unnerving. Lxnnnie is for people who are unhappy, or at least constantly questioning every decision they make. Lxnnnie isn’t mainstream because it makes you think. That isn’t to say that he ISN’T deserving of attention. In fact, he’s deserving of attention more so than most mainstream artists, but he just can’t break into that group because of the work he creates. It’s almost hipster to say it’s too “deep”, but it is.

I thoroughly recommend Lxnnnie and all his work (all of which are available right here) but especially this album. Be warned though, it’s weird, beautiful and tragic. It’s only for people of sound mind. He even states this on his website. If you’re looking for something different and unique, then Lxnnnie is for you.

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    I'm Maggie. I'm a mtf transgender lesbian. I bitch about media (games, movies and more) and sometimes get paid to so do.