You ever hear the phrase “Even bad press is press?”

In this age, relevancy is how you stay…well…relevant. There’s an abundance of bad music on youtube by amateur kids like
 Rule This City or-god help you-My Jeans. However, Rebecca Black doesn’t fit in this category. The internet thrives on hatred and anger. Just look at it, half the articles on the internet is people saying they hate the thing they’re discussing. Video games are ridiculously overly criticized, movies and tv are ripped apart and most discussions regarding music is how it’s all “terrible” now.

Shit, look at music on Youtube and half if not ALL the comments are, “I’m 13 and this song is amazing, my generation has such bad music :(“, as if your age has anything to do with what music you like or what music is good or how smart you are. There’s 45 year olds who are stupid. Age has nothing to do with it.

That’s what leads me to Rebecca Black. She took the idea that the internet latches onto hate and thrives on anger, and churned out what many considered to be the worst song ever, and became famous off of it because people talked about it so much. BAD PRESS IS PRESS. Now I’m not defending Friday. The song is shit. But I’m pretty sure she KNEW it was shit. She made something she knew would make her famous because of how people would react to it.

And how am I going to back this up?

If you listen to her other songs following Friday, they aren’t all that bad. Person of Interest is catchy and fun in all the right ways, and overall the songs are decent. But you ride that stardom of hatred to the top, and why? Because whether they liked it or not, once Friday was viral, people were AWARE of her. Awareness breeds a fanbase of any kind. They were people out there who legitimately liked Rebecca Black and Friday. So, an installed fanbase from a shitty viral music video leads to a thankful and loyal fanbase who’ll REALLY defend you when you start churning out actually decent content. Genius? ABSOLUTELY.

While My Jeans is hilariously bad too, and you get the feeling Jenna Rose was attempting the same trajectory as Rebecca Black had taken, the problem is her follow up tune, “OMG” is not only barely better than My Jeans, but she’s 12 IN THE VIDEO DANCING IN A SKIMPY ANGEL OUTFIT DOING STRIPPER MOVES. That’s creepy as SHIT.

Rebecca Black knew EXACTLY what she was doing. Friday is nothing but a parody of shitty tween pop songs.

And if you want a really truly great example of parodying shitty tween pop songs, check out Dustin Mclean & Jason Nash’s music video,
You Can’t Tell Me What To Do”. Perfection.

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    I'm Maggie. I'm a mtf transgender lesbian. I bitch about media (games, movies and more) and sometimes get paid to so do.